AAFS partners with Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights to advocate for the needs of immigrant communities. We believe it is vitally important to make sure Arab American voices are considered, when finalizing the state budget, and new legislative initiatives. AAFS was instrumental in getting the Illinois TRUST Act passed in 2017, Driver’s Licenses for All in 2023, MENA legislation in 2023, and has succeeded in maintaining a strong Immigrant Services Line Item in the state budget, which at the start of fiscal year 2024 is $38 million.
National Advocacy Work
AAFS is a member of the National Network of Arab American Communities NNAAC and regularly participates in trips to Washington D.C. to advocate for Arab American communities to congress, and to share information by participating in training sessions on health and data equity, voting rights, civic engagement and more. Read about our trip to Washington D.C. with NNAAC in the summer of 2024 here: Advocacy Week Brings AAFS To Capitol Hill