Success Story Comes Following Months of Bad News

At Arab American Family Services, every client that walks through our agency’s doors is treated with respect and given all the assistance they need to put their minds at ease. At AAFS, we take pride in our work and persistency. Many stories we hear, day in and day out, go on to stay in our minds and hearts forever. Often, the smile we see on our client’s face after finding a solution to their struggles, makes every bit of our job worth it.
Recently, we had a client come to our elderly department needing assistance. She had been in the United States since 1996, and has worked and paid taxes for every year she has been in the country. She is a law abiding citizen. Unfortunately, due to an error on her permanent residency card, indicated that she had only been in the U.S. for two months. With this error, she would not be allowed to apply for public benefits.

AAFS caseworkers advocated on her behalf and informed Illinois Department of Human Services that her residency was in fact, since 1996. After several attempts to change the mistake, and of being denied over and over, we sent her information to a supervisor. Fortunately, he took the time to review the information, make the necessary adjustments and grant our client her Medical Card. She was ecstatic! It is stories like these that keep us going strong and inspire us to work harder for our clients.
If you or someone you know needs assistance in the many programs we offer, please do not hesitate to give us a call, or stop by.   


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