The Smallest Actions Can Make the Biggest Difference in Domestic Violence

At Arab American Family Services, we take pride in our Domestic Violence department, that dedicates so many hours and days into ensuring their clients’ voice is heard and that their fear is laid to rest. Recently, in the news, we have been bombarded with stories of domestic violence, that paint a terrifying reality in our world: that domestic violence still exists and still effects so many people, from all walks of life.
At AAFS, we see many victims walk through our office doors with stories that are hard to handle; hard to comprehend. But the important factor is measured in the success our client faces after they learn to endure and become a fighting survivor.
Recently, we met with a survivor of domestic violence who was in need of many things but mostly, she needed emotional support.
Members of our department met with her for over three hours. In the time spent with us, she was able to slowly break down barriers that kept her silent for many years. It was as if we saw her grow right before our eyes.
As she walked out of our office she turned back and told us she had a feeling as though the weight of the world had been lifted off of her shoulders. This was the first time she was able to honestly share her story without feeling judged or having the need to filter out certain details.
She later called to thank AAFS for listening to her story and explained that our meeting gave her strength to continue living independently without her abuser or her family. She informed us that she will be taking another big leap towards a better life by  registering for college this semester.
All of our clients inspire us. Taking the first step, even if it’s a small one, is a huge leap for survivors of domestic violence. The fact that a survivor takes that leap in order to better his or her life, and in some cases, the lives of their children, is something that truly inspires us and motivates us to do the same with all of our clients.
In many ways the first step is the most important, because it opens doors and opportunities that the survivor did not know about. When a survivor takes their first step by coming to AAFS, we do everything we can to educate the client about the cycle of violence and provide as many resources as possible in the short time that we have.
We would love to see many of you join us at our 7th annual Domestic Violence and Cancer Awareness Walk. It will be held on Saturday, October 11, from 9 a.m. until noon at Lake Katherine, 7402 Lake Katherine Drive in Palos Heights, IL.
If you or someone you know is a victim of domestic violence and either needs a lending ear to listen, or resources to get in order to take that first step towards success, please give us a call at (708) 599-2237.


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