AAFS Takes Part in Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence Advocacy Day

On Wednesday, May 14, Arab American Family Services headed down to Springfield, Ill., to take part in Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence Advocacy Day.
The ICADV is a not for profit organization founded in 1978 by twelve local domestic violence programs to collectively advocate for services, policies and practices that help battered women and contribute to the elimination of domestic violence.
With domestic violence becoming more common in the Arab American community, AAFS is trying to be a catalyst in the community and raise awareness of the issue, which is often considered a stigma.
At Advocacy Day, there were crucial steps discussed on how to handle a client facing the wrath of domestic violence.
Last year, from July through December, there have been 214 domestic violence cases that have come through the doors of AAFS. This year alone, there have been 20 new cases involving over 60 children living the harsh reality of domestic violence.
With early intervention, the necessary steps can and will be taken to help protect the victim and all other members of the family experiencing domestic violence.
Following crisis intervention, it is important to explain to the victim the steps of understanding their rights in the eyes of the law. This is large in part to court programs and legal advocacy that is in place to help with these situations.
These steps are followed by transportation and support. In the event that the victim has had their car taken away by the abuser, or false accusations have been made against the victim involving children. At AAFS, victims will be educated on the proper steps needed to ensure the victim’s safety, as well as the safety of the children if there are any involved.
From there, victims can be helped with alternative paths to help secure employment and housing. Often times, especially in the case of Arab American victims, the male is often considered the bread-winner and soul provider of the family. At AAFS, victims of domestic violence will be guided on the steps they can take to help get a hold on their finances and have a battle plan for the future and their income.
If you or someone you know is a victim of domestic violence, please do not hesitate to give us a call at (708) 599-2237.

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